Maychee, my dear friend, and I have decided to start going on little new adventures within CA and eventually step out across AMERICA. Utah was our first trip!!! My first time and Maychee used to live there, so it was more of an adventure for me. Plus, it was MINDY's Wedding.
July 25th - 28th
The drive was beautiful up until we pass Reno, then it was just all mountains and nothing but cops. The Salt Lakes were so beautiful, Maychee and I had so many unanswered questions. Where is google when you need it? Or Siri? Are we ever going to find out? Maybe one day??? hahaThe wedding of Mindy and Brandon!!! It was too cute with all the Hanboks. Congrats again MINDY!
The Salt Lake City Temple was so pretty, it was a Sunday so we couldn't see more of it, but the outside was more than enough. Remember to wash your shoes after!!!
Okay so my favorite part of the trip was visiting the Missionary Training Center! (MTC) I learned so much and enjoyed my experienced. The MTC is where all the SISTERS and ELDERS go on their training before they are sent off to their MISSIONS. Over thousands of young men and women are there to do something great! I was just a volunteer and a good one! (My little missionaries in training were sooooo cute and adorable.) They speak HMONG better than some HMOOB who grew up with the language. They were so nervous, but little did they know I wasn't a member and could only understand half of what they taught me. One of the Elder that I had was Korean. He was so cute and I knew right away he will so the Hmong people in WIS good along with his companion. They were so cute like two peas in a pod!!! If I lived closer, I would volunteer more!
That evening we wanted to give them something so what does a bunch of young men want??? CANDIES and GOODIES of course, you are stuck studying all day and night and what's better than snacking?? We even got them a card and wrote it in HMONG cause they all read and write HMONG. (with Sam's help! Sam is Maychee's brother) Again, thank you Sam and April for their hospitality. Sam also made us PHO and it was delicious. Maychee, thinking back, we did so much in that little time!!!
This was up in a Cabin that Maychee's friends invited us to! Maychee, remember koj yuav mus marry ib tug Utah oppa! Peb will visit you and vacation there until you kick us back home to CALIFORNIA!!!! O UTAH, I will be back soon.
August 2013
October 2013
I love SF!!!
Clam Chowder, Fish n Chips, and lots of eating! (VACATION MODE)
Met up with Giho, A friend from South Korea. He's soooo cute! (Korean Cute)
An oldie, but goodie!!!
Until our next Road trip adventure to SO CAL with Miss Pader Yang.